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water colored flowers and leaves in pinks, blue, greens, and oranges

Sages & Pages

Writing Until It Makes Sense

A mix of creative writing and reflective pieces that help me understand life, myself, and the world.

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Favorite Pieces

A poem about the state of the world.

A prose piece on my adoptive mother's passing.

A prose piece on childhood, motherhood, and well, responsibility.

A prose piece about life, death, and what happens in between.

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Newest Additions

Part reflection, part prose piece about remembering your younger self.

Part reflection, part prose piece about grief.

Part reflection, part prose piece about finding comfort in sadness.

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Rejection brings about fear, shame, and self-doubt. Let's learn how to move through those feelings.


Pain isn't bad, as long as you don't hide or ignore it.

Every Mistake

We can stop holding ourselves and other hostage for mistakes made. Accept grace.

Let Them Leave

All the reasons in the world won't change the truth.

Stay True

The best way to find the true is understanding what is false.


Do not underestimate the power and strength of love. Of God's love for you.

What I Went Looking For

What happens when don't find what we're looking for? Here's to our messes, may they be beautiful and powerful.

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